Excel VBA Training Courses Cork

Our unique, focused courses bring the skills of MS Excel users from absolute beginners to the most advanced use of VBA, Macros, Lambda, OpenPyXL and moving on to Power BI. Gaining skills in Microsoft Excel allows users to reduce errors, avoid lost data and make proper use of the Excel tools to keep track of costs, manage essential data and view trends within your industry. Unskilled users of Excel waste time searching for the data they need – time that could be better used making decisions based on the information. Learning tools and techniques for Reporting, Summarising, Visualising and Presenting data with Excel ensures it’s a valuable tool in your company or organization.

Browse our courses below and contact us to discuss your specific Excel VBA training requirements. We'll be happy to help.

Excel Courses for Advanced Users

Programming in VBA - Using Microsoft Excel
Excel Macros from A to Z using VBA
Saved Searches
Excel Macro **
Excel Macro Programming
Excel VBA **
Microsoft Excel
MS Excel
Visual Basic for Applications
Excel 365
Office 365
Advanced Excel
Dashboard Reporting
Excel Dashboards
Excel 2021
Microsoft Excel 2021
Excel Macro
Excel VBA