.NET Frameworks, VS2022

Course Description

This two-day course is designed to provide a sound introduction to.NET for programmers who already know the C# language. It is current to Visual Studio 2022 and .NET 6.0. The course focuses on core portions of the .NET Framework that are common across many application areas.
2 Days
Contact us for pricing

Learning Objectives

Gain a thorough understanding of the philosophy and architecture of .NET Core
Understand packages, metapackages and frameworks
Acquire a working knowledge of the .NET programming model
Implement multi-threading effectively in .NET applications


The student should be an experienced application developer or architect with a working knowledge of C#.

.NET Fundamentals

What is Microsoft .NET?
Common Language Runtime
Framework Class Library
Language Interoperability
Managed Code
.NET Core, .NET 6 and Cross-Platform Development

Class Libraries

Components in .NET
Class Libraries Using Visual Studio
Using References

Frameworks and Packages

.NET Implementations and Frameworks
.NET Standard
NuGet Packages and Gallery
Metapackages and Frameworks
Packages in .NET 6
Porting from Classical .NET to .NET 6
Visual Studio Package Manager
Installing Packages
Creating Packages

Metadata and Reflection

Late Binding

I/O and Serialization

Files and Streams
XML Serialization

Delegates and Events

Random Number Generation
Anonymous Methods
Lambda Expressions

.NET Programming Model

Garbage Collection
Finalize and Dispose
Command-Line Arguments

.NET Threading

Threading Fundamentals
Foreground and Background Threads
Task Parallel Library

.NETC#Visual StudioVisual Studio 2022VS2022Microsoft Visual Studio 2022VS 2022.net framework.net frameworks 6.0rev. 6.0.net 6.0