Using AI - Coding for non-programmers

Course Description

Programming is a phenomenal business tool. . AI tools like ChatGPT and CoPilot mean everyone now has access to a talented programmer who will work incredibly fast - for free. How do you communicate with your AI Assistant and interpret the results? This course will show you how programmers work and introduce you to the tools that they use. It will demonstrate how to take programme code and run it on your machine. It will then clearly demonstrate how to get ChatGPT to write the code and verify that it works as expected. This course will start by demonstrating how to get ChatGPT to do some advanced tasks in Excel such as create a complicated formula and to code a VBA macro. It will then show you how to set yourself up as a programmer with a (free) Integrated Development Environment - the same IDE used by professional programmers. It will then demonstrate how to get ChatGPT or CoPilot to write the code and how to verify that the generated code does what it is supposed to do. This course will use Excel, VBA and Python but it can be customised to use any other programming language as required.
2 Days

Who should attend

This course is for anyone who would like to use programming as a tool. It assumes no prior knowledge of AI or programming.

Introducing AI

A brief history of AI
Some AI terminology
What is "generative AI"?
How do ChatGPT and CoPilot work?

Introduction to prompt engineering

Create an account on ChatGPT
Login and ask your first question
Some basic examples

Using AI With Excel

Using ChatGPT to create a complex Excel formula
Using ChatGPT to create an Excel macro
Testing and running the macro

Setting up for programming

How do programmers work?
What is a programming language
Installing a programming language environment
What is an IDE?
What is "Hello World"?

The Fundamental Building Blocks of ALL Programming Languages


Creating Code With ChatGPT

Your AI junior programmer
Getting Started
A First task
Incremental improvements
Specifying clearly what you want ChatGPT to produce
Testing what ChatGPT creates
Building more complex applications one step at a time

A Sample Project

The project specification
Creating the starting application
Adding features one at a time
Adding a UI
Reading and writing files
Reading and writing to a database

Other Tasks

Asking ChatGPT To Document Your Code
Automated testing with ChatGPT
Asking For Instructions To Deploy Code

AIArtificial IntelligenceCopilotChatGPTProgrammingCodingPrompt Engineering